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Publication: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)


Publication: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

Publication: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

Today, we happily announce the publication of the book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” by Springer Palgrave MacMillan. In this publication, we address the challenges of the Digital Transformation the society faces and offer solutions. In this contributed Volume, the Scientific council of SFTL was heavily involved.
New technologies are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds and the developments are affecting all disciplines, economies, industries and governments. The Fourth Industrial Revolution book outlines the key technologies driving this revolution, discusses the major impacts on governments, businesses, civil society and individuals, and offers bold ideas for what can be done to shape a better future for all. The Scientific Council of SwissFinTechLadies  ideates bold ideas on how to harness these changes and shape a better future, one in which technology empowers people.We have the opportunity to contribute to developing new frameworks that advance progress.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impacts on ethics is written by 31 expert females from 4IR  and tackles the global ethical problems coming with it. It encompasses the experience of 16 countries and 4 continents and offers readers an overview of the ethical challenges connected to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Encryption and Finance.  Our publication The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impacts on ethics  challenges various industries including the finance industry. It specifically focuses on the situation of females in these industries, from women lawyers, judges, attorneys-at-law, investors and bankers, to portfolio managers, solicitors and civil servants. As the 4IR is more than “just” a technology-driven transformation, we invite you to join our discussions at our 4IR group at LinkedIn. Here we go. Please use our QR Code.

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